Got to love the approach to get the replies,
yes I uninstalled the demo before the full install. After the purchase I got an email confirming the purchase but no serial key. Had to root around in the software to get it to send me a key. After the key was entered then jump to stage 3 on my above list (the bit where I was informed it was registered but windowblinds still claimed it was demo. It was only after verifying the package that I updated it and that stopped the demo stuff).
Incidentally, the "unload windowblinds" dialog popped up top right about an hour ago, couldn't move it, just stuck there, and then PC went busy for 20 minutes couldn't use it. Couldn't even end the task, had to restart and my registry was corrupted in the process. I'm back now, to say I'm sore about this stuff is an understatement.
Love the comparison with Vista upgrades, it's a desktop changer not an o/s ! lol.. so no, paying for upgrades on this s/w is silly imo. Why would you want to keep different versions of this software btw ?
Followed all instructions and it still loused up. What happened to a good old fashioned install, and mail me the key? Why do I have to install another piece of software to register? So I can get ads for all kinds of mush I'm not interested in ? Thats what I meant by all that gaming garbage that comes up when impulse is run, and skins for that as well?My fault for not checking to see if I had to install another product to register another though there I guess. I was expecting the purchase installation thing to be simple.
IMO software should uninstall any previous versions, quite common these days, put that on the to do list. Mail out keys for people who don't want impulse on their PC's. Did it add itself to my startup without confirmation? Sorry guys, you want opinion this is it. I still haven't worked out how to get rid of that stupid wood background to all my windows when I run WB. Only thing I can see is texture, which is set to none, and it puts it as a window background for all downloaded skins. So WB is off and uninstalled and I'm back to my basic XP layout.
Some good points there Robbie and DRJBHL 
Here's how it should go..
Try out version 30 days
If you like it buy it, get an activation code emailed.
Enter code, full product now available for use.
Alternatively get a full version sent / linked to that auto removes trial version before installation.
Sorry if it's not what you want to hear, but a forum is just that, and there's my opinion on the Windowblind experience so far. Will I be writing a bad review of it for a magazine. Maybe, but if you're gonna charge for a product you got to allow for opinion to be expressed now don't you