Here are the commands that i've tested and works, are followed with a short description [i've write this because i can't find nowhere that some one did this].
[control that is used in activex is the "player" string that you find on coding elsewhere]
control.uimode = noone / mini / full - change the type of controlling the object
control.cdromCollection = read only - didn't actually find what is that used for
control.enabled = True / False - read / write [only when loading the url i think] set if the control is enabled or disabled
control.Close - should quit the playback [should be like using the X icon on windows media player] it doesn't seems to work
control.ClosedCaption - didn't find out what it does and testing in various ways it doesn't work - play
control.Controls.pause() - pause
control.Controls.step(k) - go to the "k" frame and pause [where k is a number between 0 or 1 and Total number of frames in video]
control.Controls.fastForward() - start the video fast speed on normal direction
control.Controls.fastReverse() - start the video fast speed on reverse direction
control.controls.getAudioLanguageDescription(k) - get the description for the audio lenguage in the index [and K is the number of lenguage in the index, for example 1=english 2=italian 3=french etc..]
control.controls.getAudioLanguageDescription(k) - Retrives the LCID for a specific K audio lenguage [k is the number in the index] - didnt tested it
control.controls.getLanguageName(k) - should retrive the K language name in the index
control.controls.playItem(k) - let the current K item to start playing, or resume play if paused
control.controls.previous() - play previous item in playlist - play next item in playlist
control.controls.audioLanguageCount() - read only - retrive the number of languages
control.controls.currentAudioLanguage(K) - read/write - retrive and set the current audio language
control.controls.currentAudioLanguageIndex() - retrive the current audio language as index [1,2,3 etc]
The list is big i will add other commands when i test them, maybe some one could help to check witch command work and witch not