On the main WindowBlinds page, there are 5 different windows cascaded which display 5 different themes.
The link is https://www.stardock.com/products/windowblinds/index.asp
The first/top one is blue, the next one down is black or charcoal gray and has ROUND buttons for Min/Max/Close on the top right of the window. I have been searching all over to find that theme - can someone PLEASE tell me what it is?
The next one down looks like a Mac OS/X with 3 round buttons on the left, then a brown window with round buttons on the right, and finally at the bottom a blue window with the default 3 Min/Max/Close buttons on the right.
I am ONLY interested in finding that black one, 2nd down from the top, round buttons on the right.
PLEASE tell me someone knows what theme it is! LOL
PS: Am I the only one who gets obsessed and spends hours looking thru themes and skins and the likes? LOL