I'm running into a bit of trouble in skinstudio getting the close button (single) to align the way I want. It seems that skinstudio (v6.4) places the lone close button (that is, for popup windows which only have a close button and no min or max buttons) based on the alignment values for the normal close button. Normally this would be fine, but for the skin I am currently working on, I have cut out holes in an otherwise solid titlebar for each of the min/max/close buttons (then when I put in semi-transparent images for the buttons, you can see the background through the buttons). However, for windows with only the close button, I would like to cover up the two unused holes (where min and max usually would go); the way I would like to do this is just make the close button (single) image extra wide with non-transparent parts drawn over where the other two hole would normally be. However, this means that I have to align the entire close button (with the added in solid parts) farther away from the right edge, but the values I set under the close button (single) window aren't taking effect; it's still using the ones from the normal close button.
Any help or suggestions on possible workarounds would be much appreciated. I've tried making the normal close button extra wide too with transparent parts on the left, but that doesnt work since the close button just covers up the clickable area for the min and max buttons. Any other suggestions?