OK, I'm not on trial here, all I did, was HELP someone, and it worked!!!! and it has worked for 100's of people with WB, so I can't be ALL that wrong
I'm not the creator of this patch, I only tried to help a guy.. and I get crapped on for doing so, you weren't here to help him, and I was, and apparently, according to the topic author himself --> I did.
Feel free to burn me at the stake for trying to be a caring person... I feel useless most of the time, and yesterday I was just starting to feel good about myself, after 8 years of mental and physical abuse from my husband.. so helping people when I can, makes me feel better.. and you came in and made me feel totally and utterly worthless.. thankyou.
I have no friends in real life due to the fact I'm agoraphobic and never leave my house, and I've made WC my home, and met so many wonderful people I now called friends.. am I going to be banned for helping someone?

I won't direct anyone to that patch in future.