Hi. I sometimes find that a group I have locked and named and added to a Fence simply disappears. They seem to bne stored in
"C:\Users\jrich\AppData\Roaming\Groupy\name.groupy" for example./ Can I just copy these back to the fences they belong to? Any idea why thius keeps happening? It may also be a Fences issue.
Fences also looses icons which is tricky because although some are simple some are stored under users/me/AppData/Roaming and some have been filled in by Windows with complex strings I cannot replicate. I can copy the easy ones back but why does it lose icons occasionally? This is occasionally but often enough to be a pain exspecially if I am not sure how to lauch a program, put the desktop icon ina fence only to have it go. Now my only option is reinstall the software and click on 'create desktop icon'.
Could it be possible for both Fence and Groupy links to be stored somewhere consistent so I can just copy them back in if they go missing?
Or solve the missing icon problem omce and for all?