Does Chrome Still Work With Windowblinds?
4 |
WindowBlinds |
Anyone Know of a Theme That Looks Like Windows Vista?
12 |
WindowBlinds |
Which Browsers Actually Work Well With WindowBlinds?
10 |
WindowBlinds |
What IconPackager Theme is This?
2 |
WinCustomize Talk |
Where Do I change the Transparency Options for Window Borders In Skin Studio?
4 |
OS Customization |
Can't Install Windows 7 On My New Laptop, If Someone Wants My Second OEM Key Let Me Know
7 |
WinCustomize Talk |
Why is There no Blur Effect in WindowBlinds on 8.1?
2 |
WindowBlinds |
Has Anyone Else Had This UAC Prompt Bug Before?
2 |
WinCustomize Talk |
I'm Back! And I'm Officially On Win7!
6 |
WinCustomize Talk |
I switched...
19 |
WinCustomize Talk |
Playing Battlefront 2 (2005) On Ubuntu Using Steam's Proton!
0 |
Life, the Universe and Everything |
Is it Still Possible to Buy Windows 7?
4 |
WinCustomize Talk |
What Was New in the WindowBlinds Beta That Was Out?
3 |
WinCustomize Talk |
Is There a Way to Disable the Win10 Titlebar in Opera?
0 |
WindowBlinds |
Why the Heck is The UWP Photos App Sending Data to Microsoft?
1 |
Life, the Universe and Everything |
How Do You Feel About the New Windows Design Compared to the Old?
10 |
WinCustomize Talk |
Can I Create A Fake Blurred Objectdock BG for a Certain Wallpaper?
0 |
OS Customization |
Thoughts on Creating A Mac Dark Theme
6 |
WinCustomize Talk |
Having Issues with the DiamondBar Rainmeter Skin
0 |
OS Customization |
I Had No Idea Amiga OS Was a Real Thing...
8 |
WinCustomize Talk |
Whatever Happened to Objectbar?
34 |
WinCustomize Talk |
Does Anyone Else Use WaterFox?
21 |
Life, the Universe and Everything |
Theme Request
0 |
OS Customization |
How to Change Color and Transparency of Tabbed Docks?
2 |
Docks |
Where Can I Get The Chocolate Mint Theme Wallpaper?
2 |
WinCustomize Talk |
Is it Possible to Show Names of Apps Below Icons?
0 |
Docks |
How Can I Clone and Tweak a Default Theme in WindowBlinds?
4 |
WindowBlinds |
Why are There So Many Missing Icons?
2 |
Icons |
Who Else Loves the Look of Good Old Windows 98?
2 |
Community |
How Can I Make My Box Look Like This?
0 |
Community |
Is There a Way I Can Recommened a Feature For WindowBlinds to Stardock?
2 |
WinCustomize Talk |
Why is Google Chrome Not Adapting to WindowBlinds Anymore?
2 |
WindowBlinds |
Advice For First Time Creating a Theme and How to Get This Look?
1 |
WindowBlinds |
Can a IconPackager file contain malicious code?
1 |
WinCustomize Talk |
Is it Possible to choose a custom hex color for a WB Theme?
0 |
WindowBlinds |
Has Anyone Used This Before?
2 |
Community |
How can I change my Wifi Icon on Windows 10
6 |
WinCustomize Talk |
Other Good Wallpaper Sites?
5 |
Community |
I Love the Look of Windows 7 on my Windows 10 Machine
0 |
Community |
Does anyone know the actual link for UltraUXThemePatcher?
10 |
Community |
Is This What Windows 8 Looked Like At One Point?
1 |
WinCustomize Talk |
How to Set a Custom Taskbar Texture for a Locked WB Theme?
2 |
OS Customization |
Is there a setting to keep maximized apps on top of dock?
6 |
Docks |
I finally finished my goal to make my box look like Win7!
1 |
Community |
Has anyone used or heard of this software?
2 |
Community |
How can I tweak file explorer and apps that block themes with buttons on left?
1 |
WindowBlinds |
Is it possible to tweak the default Windows 10 Theme?
5 |
WindowBlinds |
Anyone know where I can get a theme that looks like this?
1 |
WinCustomize Talk |
Is there a purge bat file for WindowBlinds?
11 |
WindowBlinds |
Where can I find the Purge Files for all of Stardocks apps?
12 |
WinCustomize Talk |