I agree with Naroon that Windows 11 is a fine operating system and there really is no upside to downgrading to Windows 10 if on windows 11. To me Windows 11 is a lot like Windows 8, it has some gui quirks that need fixing through software customizations, i.e. start 11.
Hardly anyone dares defend Windows 8, but I will. It had one of the worst start button integration ever imagined. But dare I say this.... Once I put on start 8 to have Windows 8 start menu returned then Windows 8 became a better opertaing system then Windows 7.
I do however concure with bradsams argument regarding how Microsoft now updates the OS. There is now 4 channels and that is ridiculous. Also, 4 moment updates per year is not better then the one big update per year. I totally understand how the constant updates, changes and different channels can cause stability issues with third party software such as start 11, windowblinds 11, and even some of the competition out there. Everyone needs to update their stuff just as much as Microsoft updates their OS. Hopefully they tone it down a bit once Windows 12 hits the market.
Hi Phoenix, long time no speak mate, how are you.
As i now run Themes Mostly, my friend who works alongside me, said, wouldn't it be easier and less work sticking with Win 10, as all Themes work well with that OS. My answer was a firm NO, my reasons being, yes it is easier to run themes on Win 10, but we stop learning how to customise for newer and more recent OSs like Win 11 and 12 when it gets here. as it did mean a learning curve, and jump into the unknown. At first my mate was reluctant, but once we had a grip on changing those things MS like to change, back to the way we wanted it, he was 100% on board, and has suggested we no longer work on Win 10 Themes, and move over to Win 11 Themes exclusively, or at the very least, Update all our back catalogue and Port them to Win 11.
Windows 10 does have a place in my 4 SSD Multi Booting System, as its needed to reference things and compare, but as it is an older OS, that is its worth to me .Going Backwards, is not an option, especially as Win 12 is not really too far away now. I really like Win 11 , always have, as i have not come upon the issues others have, for me its been super stable, and has given me zero issues, even the recent update posted about effecting those who like to customise, and use StartAllBack, messing up their PCs, did not effect me and was smooth running.
Not convinced about leaving a setup running 24 /7 is in any way beneficial to the hardware, spent far too much money to even consider it. Your Example about Taxis. Have you ever listened to one of those high milage taxis, they all sound FUBAR(google it), and totally Knackered out, not a future i have in mind for my Hardware, seems like a high price to pay, to look at some pretty lights Bud
. A Poundland Toy can give you that