Firstly...Stardock owns the sites in which you interact. There are more than one however all the Forums are interlinked and thus shared between sites through relevance.
The "primary" and thus most salient is "Stardock", at the bottom of which is the link I posted:- "Terms of Use".
Sure, Stardock owns those sites. I take your word for it that they're all linked in some fashion. T&C even states: "These Terms form a legal agreement between you and Stardock Systems, Inc., including each of its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively hereinafter "Stardock", "we" and "our")." Stardock is free to sign their legal document on behalf of any amount of drinking buddies, but it's still These Terms that I agree to. I have no business with and I don't see any basis for an automatic assumption I'm even aware of their existence. Let alone the assumption that I would've read their terms. That would also mean I'm expected to read the terms of every individual StarDock game, even though I've never even looked at any.
But yes, Stardock Inc. has Terms at the bottom of this forum that I agreed to. However:
There are 2 'areas' within the linked forums where specific rules apply.
Anything not specific to an issue relevant to Stardock Support can and will be deleted from the Stardock Support Forums.
Anything 'Political', no matter in which forum section it is posted will be relocated to the 'Politics' Forum subsection which is only accessible via Joe User.
- isn't actually part of those terms. It may very well be something uttered
by you - out of some form of personal preference - 14 years ago, but that doesn't make it part of
anything I agreed to. One might say it's more similar to a
form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations........
'J' specifically mentions '
personal attacks', which my post was not, nor did it have anything to do with 'Politics'. It could
at most be construed as
libel, which is a topic inherently about as arguable as it gets, and therefore definitely not to be decided by any one single person in the absence of any due process.
I agreed to the terms as stated in the legal documentation. I did not agree
anywhere to be
judged (absolute power) and
silenced (without effective limitations) merely and solely based on the dislikes of one random person - sobbing in a corner over whatever topic they're throwing a hissy-fit over on that particular day. (Or 14 years ago.)
(PS: Based on 'Terms and conditions' under 'N': "Interfere with another person's use or enjoyment of the Site;", you should delete your own posts)