Ok, that works. But the volume slider in the media player settings box does nothing.
Ohhhhh, I see! It does after you press OK - the volume slider in the settings panel is not dynamic, it will only change the volume once you've pressed OK.
I actually wanted to add a volume slider to the media control bar itself, but I run out of time (if you read the 'What's next after v18.1' thread in the Winstep forums you'll see I only added the Media Player *after* the last beta, so it was a last minute inclusion).
Clock I have: ... Clock I want:
Uh-oh. You're not going to like this then: those two are *automatic* formats of the *same* clock.
Modules normally only have two styles, and in the case of the clock those styles are digital and analog. The original digital style - the one you get by default - was based on the NeXT OS dock clock from all those years ago, and also features a calendar so there isn't much room for the time itself.

This means that the actual time can be difficult to read at lower icons sizes, unless you mouse over the module to magnify the icon. So, because some users complained about that and also because we already have a separate calendar module (making the calendar in the clock a bit redundant) I decided to add an alternate digital version in v18.3.
Now, remember that the goal here was to maximize the readability of the time itself at lower icon sizes, so the bigger the digits, the better - but I also wanted something that remained pleasant to the eye.
Under 24 hour format the hour always has two digits because of the leading zero, but under 12 hours format the hour only has one digit *most of the time*. With a single digit for the hour I could make the text bigger (and thus more readable) but with two digits I would have to lower the font size for the time to fit in the space available. So, for the 12 hour clock I basically decided to make two different versions of the same clock, one displayed when the hour only has 1 digit, the other displayed when the hour has two digits.
This way I achieved my goal of maximizing time readability at lower icon sizes (apparently at the price of confusing the users lol).
So, you got the clock you wanted not because of the reboot, but because the time changed.