I have found out that maybe WB 7.42 didn't break Windows. When I found out I felt embarrassed for making this thread.
For me the bigger issue was not that my screen looked messed up. It was having WB 7.42 which I never installed.
It's also a Windows issue. If something can install silently UAC is not doing its job. In Vista UAC was annoying. In Windows 7 I don't find UAC annoying at all.
I give Firefox permission to update automatically. I wouldn't give WB permission to update automatically because just like Windows updates it affects the system at a lower level.
Unless someone in the know replies to this thread I will never know if WB7 did a silent install or not. There is no checkbox that one can tick to avoid updates. So WB7 didn't break the rules so to speak. I might have to install WB8 or WB10 because I clearly remember a checkbox that disables updates.
I will tell you what happened. Obviously I didn't remember this when starting this thread.
I had patched my system to run a few visual styles. I deleted those styles and started WB. I didn't change anything and WB seemed to run fine. So I quickly forgot that my system was patched.
Later when I changed skins in WB and themes in Windows Control Panel I ran into problems. I saw the number 7.42 in About WindowBlinds and made this thread.
I uninstalled WB and problems still persisted. I remembered I was on a patched system and “unpatched” it. Now everything looks fine. I haven't installed WB yet.
No more drama, at least not right now...