It looks like MS has put together another patchwork UI full of inconsistencies. They just can seem to follow their OWN rules when "designing" an OS UI!
Here are a couple of thing I have discovered in the short period I have had access to WB 10 and Sks 10.
1. Right click menus (desktop and taskbar) are now using the skin defined system colors to skin the background rather than the graphic image.
Controls are as follows:
Background = menu
Boarder = button shadow
The text mouseover and separators are still graphic based.
2. Start Panel flyout menus: Same applies for background as above but here the text mouseover is also color defined rather than graphics defined.
Center = Menu highlight
Boarder = Selected item
That's all for now, but I'll update if I discover anything else. Feel free to comment with tip of your own as well!
If anyone is wondering how to change the mouseover image for the task view, taskbar search and notification icon on the taskbar, you need to skin the pinned item. Oddly it's not visible when using category view in Sks.....change to tree view to find it.