So, I'm going through the wallpapers to find one to highlight with my next blind (settled on Skyzyk's chopper) and found a picture of a dead leaf with 8 stars. A dead leaf, 8 stars, wtf.
I'm thinking to myself that I have better pictures than that where my finger got in the way and decided to upload a set of 5 pretty damn nice wallpapers. Much better, to me at least, than a dead leaf.
1 approved and the other 4 regulated to my personal page, very disappointed.
I've always stayed out of the wallpaper rants and bitching as I had not uploaded wallpapers and had no experience to comment on. Now I guess I do and can empathize with those that have had their work regulated to personal pages (or rejected outright) when work that appears to be of lesser quality is allowed to become part of the public galleries.

Yellow flower
I'll be deleting these over the weekend, if anyone is interested grab them while they're here.