About 9 years ago, when I first made Mod/Admin one Gallery was particularly in a 'mess'....the Wallpaper Gallery.
There were [then] about 700 walls of [to be polite] varying standard/quality.
On dial-up I sifted through all 700 3 times doing a 'cull', to remove the recognizable rips and painfully poor works.
At the end of the week it took there were 400 left.
Probably at that time Wincustomize.com DID have the 'finest collection of wallpapers', certainly because our Moderation process was definitely in place and functioning.
It's motivation/inspiration dated from an earlier time/site...on skinz.org where Moderation was extreme and harsh.
There, as with here, then, the options were 'yes or no'....there was no 'Personal Gallery' option. Works were either accepted or rejected.
With the 'friendlier' third option being in place there NEEDS to be more use of it made.
Although I use 'wallpapers' as an example they are by no means the only 'problem' gallery.... all have similar issues.
Quality versus quantity.
In reality, if a good, competent skinner can manage maybe a half dozen Windowblinds skins per YEAR then perhaps quality-wise a Wallpaper artist or Logon maker 'might' be expected to have the creativity/diversity/imagination to create....maybe a half dozen of THOSE per YEAR.
In truth I'd imagine a 'Master'/'Journeyman' CRAFTSMAN to be looking at true class and quality, meaning less is more.
None of this is new, only the desire/determination to enforce....