Hi Karen. I used "The Cat" desktop as an example of something to match the clock to. You don't need to load it, only the Clear Clock.
To stop the weather zipcode from popping up, you'll have to disconnect from the internet, and then you can proceed to remove/delete the malfunctioning parts.
The weather widget in the second part of the tutorial is obsolete--the newest weather template can be found HERE--but it's still good practice for taking apart a widget.
Some themes replace the taskbar and remove icons. To access the DX Builder controls there, r-click anywhere on the desktop and a custom menu should appear. Go to the DesktopX Builder option to get the DX Builder commands--new desktop, unload, etc. Otherwise, you can r-click on the DX Builder icon in the system tray to get the same options.
To apply the digital clock to a background, you need to create another object for the background. Then position the digital clock over the background. From there you can either group the objects together, or r-click on the digital clock and Set Parent to the background object.
I'll be updating those tuts, soon.