I have to prepare some electronic notes from a few books. But I don't want to type
What I read here is: "I got a shipload of notes to get from a handful of books... however, I'm a one-finger typist and the course for which I require them will have ceased to exist by the time I'm done."

Here ya go, superman... try here There are a few free VR apps to choose from there, so hopefully you will find what you need.
Best of luck with it. 
Relax...didn't mention "Medical Suite"....
Hard to relax....it's a conditioned response, since the word combination "speech recognition" is the reason I'm losing my house and my car.
Yup, another case of redundancy in the long list of jobs lost to automation, computerisation, robotification. Back in the mid-70's I was a 1st Class Machinist making plumbers supplies... until the company I worked for completed its migration offshore to S Korea, where it could take advantage of full automation and a significantly reduced workforce (8 men.. 3 in admin) who worked for considerably less. 783 workers were made redundant the day our factory closed its doors.
In those days, however, I could walk from one job right into another... unfortunately, and largely due to the reasons highlighted above, it's not so easy these days. Therefore, Karen, I sincerely hope that you are able to fend off losing your home and car by finding worthwhile and rewarding employment.