I maybe way off center here because comments on a skinners work do provide at times usefull feedback.
Unfortunately though comments of the nature that have happened recently don't serve any other purpose but to feed others to do nothing but copy and pile on. Comments and Ratings have been a discussion in the forums numerous times in the past five years of my being a member of the community. 
So what to do? Do away with comments and ratings completely? That doens't sound like much of a fix or something that helps a community.
A lot of skinners have been posting threads about a WIP (Work in Progress) where they openly ask for comments. Not sure how the comments are going there. Should every skinner have to do a WIP thread? That doesn't sound like a fix either.
Again, do away with comments? I don't like that idea.
Why do the comments have to be public? It seems that is the major problem right now, public comments. Change the comments system to where you can still leave one but they go to the skinner as a PM and others don't get to read them. Probably could be done, anyone ready to ask Stardock to make that change? I don't think we will get any volunteers for that.
So what options are we left with?
We could just learn to live with the opinions and comments of others. Yes, some folks can really be rude and down right mean. As they say in the real world, that's life.
I didn't touch on the free speech issue, why, well folks at times seem to use that way too much. We all do have the right to free speech, our opinions and the freedom to comment when asked, but there is a line there that at times gets ignored and stepped over. Free speech does not and was never meant to allow anyone to be rude, mean, inpolite or just down right nasty.
So what's the answer, we could all, myself included, try to be more caring and civilized when commenting, yeah, like that is ever going to happen. 
I just remembered one other thing about free speech, it has and will continue to allow folks to open thier mouth and remove all doubt as to thier intelligence. That's a joke son, laugh it up. 
This reply was not addreseed at anyone and is just my take on what has happen in the past couple of days.