I did a windows update the other day, and the next thing I know Bling (Bing) is on my top bar and in my search engine.
Nope, not the case here! I had the option in IE (not my default browser) and Messenger to make Bing my default search provider and home page, but I declined... wanted to keep things as they were. Yahoo (standard) is still set as my default search provider... so this Bing thing is something I've not asked for.
Go to manage addons (Vista) and delete it!! done no more conspiracy.
There is nothing Bing related to delete/disable in addons.
Besides, without a conspiracy, life would be incomplete. 
I will, however, investigate more thoroughly today and eliminate the annoyance.
Ah, kona, so you've taken time out from your 'nuptials' to comment...... 
Perhaps Google isn't as bad as you thought Startkers?
Now how did I know you were gonnna say that?
Funny thing, that! I went to bed last night with this thread on my mind, and eventually got to dreaming: "kona's gonna come in and somehow suggest how Google is somehow better." And You did!
WOW, I have the gift of prophesy! I can see into the future! 
Seriously, though, when advertising giants like Google and Yahoo want to annoy the crap out of you, they will find a way... and maybe this Bing thing is a MS/Yahoo attempt at one-upmanship on Google. Whatever, I don't appreciate having things I don't want thrust in my face. For example, it took 8 attempts to bring up the WC home page when I clicked on the WC bookmark this morning... the 7 previous attempts brought up the Bing homepage, and that, is simply not good enough. It's not that I had to be anywhere else real fast, but rather that it's a blatant and unwelcome intrusion into MY space.
countdown to Bing vs Bark
Yup, and if I get any more pissed, which won't take much... the bark is gonna have a bite as well. If MS/Yahoo has somehow put this Bing crap on my rig, it would be without consent and may well fall within the ant-trust/denial of options thing. If so, I shall create a big 'stink' (starkerbarks included) to try get the practice stopped... because I resent the assumption that I want Bing and don't want a choice.
Bing works fine for me.
Bing might work very well as a search engine on command, but that's not my complaint. My beef is that the Bing homepage pops up in the absence of a command and replaces someting I did ask for... which, to me, equates to intrusion by brute force.
I WILL get RID of it... cos I'm a persistent and stubborn bastard when my dander's up.