I know your heart ache........ My mom passed in 2004, being that my father bailed on us when I was 7, she was my sole support and parent for many years. She was my biggest supporter thru life.. She is still missed quite dearly...
It didnt really hit me for a couple of weeks, after all was done and her belongings were being packed and put away. They call it a shock delayed reaction. It hurt like hell when it finally hit... but..
You will heal... it will get better..... time will slow the hurt and bring forth the remeberances of happy times...Keep loved ones close at hand and listen to each other. Share in the love and warmth she shared with you. Sharing from the heart about her with family and friends, will help you and them support each other thru this tough time..
Remember there are people allover the world who care and will chat whenever you need a boost..
My sincerest Condolences.