Yup, a Curried Cabbage WB is a MUST.... complete with animated gas clouds, sounds and smell-o-vision.
Master skin or not.... doesn't matter, so long as it captures the 'essence' and has the right shade of green.
The WB, well that's up to the skinners.... but the smell-o-vision is mine.... ALL MINE!
I have this idea to bottle the 'gas' and connect it to users PC's via USB to deliver the smell-o-vison experience...
One mouse click on the start button - ANY button - and you have the sweet aroma of a curried cabbage bark.
I'm sure the skinner(s) will be able to create the appropriate gas clouds with each button click... to give it authenticity.
I was rather hoping vStyler would take it on, even though he said that he'd not touch it with a 10 foot spatula. OK, v, how about we provide you a 12 foot spatula, a bio-suit and an extra heavy-duty gas mask???
I had also thought Kitty Malone (aka Vampothika), but I know that she has delicate sensibilities and it may be too much for her... even out there in the country air with a stiff breeze blowing at her back. Yup, curried cabbage gas has the amazing knack of being able to travel up-wind.
BTW: USB gas bottles and smell-o-vision sold seperately: mass production will incur some overheads (homegrown will be insufficient), and those vials don't exactly come cheap. I'm also thinking there may be some elective surgery involved - and that's not exactly cheap, either - so 20 bucks a pop, I believe, would be reasonable.
Hey Doc, I know this should go in your Medical Advice Column, but it is pertinent here... regarding that 'elective surgery. To prevent spillage/waste when filling the vials, do you thing I should have sphincter surgery to ensure there's no waste or leakage? I mean, if I'm getting in truckloads of cabbage and curry powder, not to mention sour cream and/pr natural yoghurt at a cost, it is going to be too expensive a commodity to waste.... and of course, I don't want the Hazmat/CDC people knocking on my door over excessive emissions.
Oh, and another medical question: once my gall bladder is removed, will I 'bark' less???