Okay folks it the first part of May, we are fast coming up on the midway point of Spring, just how many of those things on the 'Honey Do List' your spouse gave you are done? What, none of them. 
We all do it, 'lets wait for the first rain, and it will clean out the rain gutters', right? Hmmm didn't quite work out like you thought, Have you fix the water marks yet?
And don't you always feel good when you have the list in hand and are ready to start when the spouse comes over and whispers in your ear, 'that's last years list'.
Okay, so lets hear from all you handymen out there. What was the one thing that you kept putting off that you shouldn't have?
Me, I never have the problem, hire a guy to do all mine. I wonder who he hires to do his list? 
Oops, just remembered, it ain't Spring for the folks in the Southern Hemisphere. Now just what are all you folks up too?