OK Red Neck I'm sitting here gripping my chair for some kind of results...
Thanks for the info on that rig. So this is a AMD processor? With an ATI graphics card?
He acn take the graphics card out and use the on board graphics. Plus it will or should start without any memory in it. Start meaning it will show the HP boot bio screen with options to enter the bio settings.
But if that board has a bad cpu or chipset it may not do none of the above. SoI await what Yrag has to find with this.
Like I said I'm gripping my chair arms in haste of some news here!
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Well that shoulds bad and good. Least now I can relax a bit. Had me really going there.
Wizard is one of my better friends and I'd of done almost anything to help him out.
Even got an ole HP laptop here with XP Pro on it he could have. Got 1gig of ram and 160 gig HD.
But seems Yrag has it worked out for now. But if things change just send me an email to my address listed here with my profile and I'll see what I can do for him ASAP.