gas and electric saw a series or massive increases: 20, 30 even 50% at a time.
Yeah, our electricity has increased dramatically over the last 12 - 18 months, around 30% and/or more. The latest government imposed increase of $30 - $35 per quarter supposedly is to pay for a 'trade emissions' scheme... supposedly to enable suppliers to cut emmisions/pollution. The truth of the matter is that the power and gas companies will have more cash put in their pockets for doing little or nothing differently, while consumers pay through the nose for a scheme that exists only on paper.. These corporations will continue to act as they have always done... put profits first and f**k the rest. If they had given a stuff about the environment in the first place there'd never have been a need for US to pay them more to employ better practices.
The sooner governments realise that corporations care only for profits today, not the environment, the future or consumers, the better for everyone. Instead of giving them money not to pollute, governments should be tightening up environmental laws and fining companies big-time for breaches.
One would think a Government could step in with a Department dedicated only to tracking prices on major items which determine the pricing of other goods and given the 'policing' power.
The problem with this is that too many politicians have vested interests in big business, and therefore will vote against restrictions and pricing policies that cut into their 'on the side' incomes.
Yeah....let's bailout the cars know...the ones that showed up in them gas guzzling stretch limos and private jets to ask for bailout money! How about giving the working stiff the money today...and tomorrow the economy will be stimulated like a mother fracker. Let's do away with this white collar crime crap and throw these crooks in jail where they belong and sell off everything they own. Let them get a taste of the real world...the one we people live in every day.
The bottom line here is that when 10% of the World's population is screwing the remaing 90% for everything they can get, what you get is a consumer base without the propensity to pay, which in turn will naturally reduce overall profits. Sadly, the companies, in their greed, hike up prices to maximise immediate profits, thus forcing more and more people out of the buyers markets. So yeah, putting billions into the hands of corporations while neglecting the consumer base is pure folly. As you say, putting money in the hands of the consumer will generate sales, thus employment and increased production... meaning increased profits through the natural chain of supply and demand.
"In G-d We Trust" has been changed.
"Shut Up And Suck It Up" is the new motto.
Oh. and "E Pluribus Unum" has become "Screw You, I'm Getting Mine".
And this won't change until we the people start fighting back. I mean, just think what it would do to companies if the people demanded better and pulled rolling boycotts on their goods and services for a day or three here and there to enforce the need for change. It wouldn't work if only a few people did it once or twice, but if everybody boycotted goods and services of the main offenders on a regular basis, those companies would lose billions in lost revenues. They'd soon have to think about consumers and what they want need... but more to the point, they'd have to think seriously about the huge salaries, bonuses and fringe benefits they pay their executives.
(and guessed it, the council voted themselves raises!).
This also has to stop, and the way to do this is for the people to refuse to pay council/government levies and taxes en-masse until they exercise wage restraint and roll back council/gov't exec salaries to what is reasonable for what they /actually do'. I mean, what re they gonna do, throw everyone in jail for non-payment??
During the great depression, people could squat...there weren't all the zoning regulations then. I don't know WHAT we're going to do when it gets that bad this time.
What will happen then??? The powers that be will impose martial law and use the military to move people on by force.