@ #10
Very nicely said, Doc, you pretty much summed it up in a few short and concise paragraphs... excellent!
The most important function of any society (our collective human race) is the successful rearing of children to be able to carry on the race.
Our teachers and mothers/and or rearers are the most important societal members in this respect as the children are our future.
The rest of society fill functions around that central core, to support, nurture and protect it.
Precisely, and wealth or the lack thereof does not make a child become a better a better adult. It's the dedicated love, care and nurturing that helps them becpme decent human beings. If anything, excess wealth spoils a child and they grow up to be just as spoiled, self-centered and greedy as the social circle they spent their formulative years with.
As for the ones who behave in a way as to destroy these "little people" their fates and fortunes should be altered and used to refund the monies of these hard working and little appreciated anonymous "drones" the "high flyers" believe are there to be used and disposed of like so many rags (if thought of at all).
Again, spot on! The monies were never theirs to begin with, but rather gained by ill-gotten means (faud and embezzlement) and should be returned to the rightful owners... the people they stole it from. Funny, isn't it, you frequently hear about little people being charged with piracy, copyright theft, and illegal mucic/movie downloads... from the rich corporations, but how often do we hear about rich corporations being charged and convicted of stealing from us??? Seems to me there is a double standard operating there. If you're rich you cansuccessfully prosecute such things... and if you're rich, successfully defend/get away with them as well. But if you're poor, go suck an egg.
One cannot tell me that it's impossible to find those responsible nor where those monies went. Governments have the organs necessary to investigate and find these answers and we should settle for no less.
Precisely! There is always a paper trail, even with electronic transfer/banking, if not moreso, so yes, governments can trace these funds and those responsible fore their misappropriation... into personal bank accounts in many cases, particularly with the bankers and their self-awarded bonuses from investors funds... and yes, these mongrels should be prosecuted and imprisoned for their roles in causing the greatest financial collapse since the Great Depression.
I know there will be some who will try to blame it on people taking out greater mortgages than they could afford... and to that I say BOLLOCKS!! Most people took out mortgages in good faith to buy/build themselves a family home, but with bad bank advice and goading, bank greed hiking up interest rates, and banks getting themselves in the shit with poor decisions, those mortgages got quickly out of hand.... oh, and let's not forget stagnant salaries/wages, frozen at yesteryear levels in today's inflationary world. And again, that is corporate greed, wanting maximum profit for the barest minimum outlay.
We can do little more than voice our feelings. We should do that in the proper quarters, and firmly resolve "No more trust and 'remote control'". We must be 'eyes and hands on at all times
Yes, we should voice our concerns in the proper quarters... to our elected representatives, and demand they take action against the corporate thieves who responsible for this economic chaos we're in. For the suffering they have caused... the ongoing suffering many will experience for some years yet, prison terms are not enough. All their assets (which are ill-gotten gain and never truly theirs to begin with) should be siezed to pay back the small investors of this wholesale theft and fraud.
Oh and last but not least....
Part of the answer isn't going to make us happy, because it's our greed as well. Anyone who invests is part of the system: it's success or failings are apportioned.
I have never invested in companies, stocks, bonds or whatever. Given that I have always been at the lower end of the income scale, all my money has gone towards living and I have never had the spare cash to invest. However,I have never been that greedy to want more money than I really need, so get rich quick investment schemes have never been my bag. I've never had wealth or a surplus of cash... nor do I want it. So long as I have enough to live on with a little left over that's all that matters... while a few additional material extras would be nice here and there, I have everything I need and I'll die no worse off if I never get them. Sure is a pity more of the fabulously wealthy with more than they could ever reasonably spend in a lifetime or 3 didn't think more similarly, rather than greedily wanting to accumulate more.
Oh, and before anybody starts preaching about the super rich giving to charity, DON'T. During the 'Feed the World' campaign started by Bob Geldoff during the 80's, my girlfriend of the time and I were assigned a rather affluent suburb of Brisbane to doorknock, while our friends were assigned an ordinary working-class suburb. We collected just $47.20 from 6 hours of doorknocking, while our friends collected over $1260 in the same period. Pretty woeful turnout, don't you think, that those with the least to give gave the most, while those with the least to give put them to shame. To me, the greatest acts of charity are not those where the person has so much they'll never miss it, but rather those who give when they have the least to spare.