With Theme manager being up and going full swing, I have recently been fieliding more help issues with them. The majority of these revolving around Suites.
At the current We have 2 kinds of Suites in the libraries, "Theme manager suites" which are run and installed thru theme manager and regular "skin suites". Those which are a Zip file of individual skins of the same theme style which need to be installed one at a time after extracting the Zip file.
Many folks do not know there are two types of suites and download the Skin suites, then try to open them with theme manager to find they dont work.
My hopes is that possibly could artists, etc who upload to the Suites section possibly label, either by name,example:[HG_Eliminators-TM-suite] / [HG_Eliminators-skin-suite] or by a portion of the description * compatible with theme manager* or the such. Thus allowing members to differentiate between the two.
Thanks for letting me bend your ear.