As many of you have seen I have started creating Weather backdrops with all of my recent docks and mostly everyone else has followed along with this.
Here is an easy solution for saving them and not losing any of your weather backdrops that you may start accumulating. Create a "Weather Backdrops" folder in your "My Documents" folder to store them in...and as you acquire them....just name them starting with backdrop1.png and continue on increasing your number of backdrops accordingly. Make sure that you start with the next number in line of your collection as you acquire more of them before moving them to the "Weather Backdrops folder" you created...since when they are created they are usually numbered according to the particular side docks they were created for.
Now...all you have to do if you want to change your Weather backdrop is this...copy and re-paste the backdrop you want to use to the same folder your collection is in....rename it to backdrop.png and move it to the Weather docklets folder in Objectdock and let it overwrite the one that is already in there. You can do this at any time without changing your side docks and you won't lose any long as you continue renumbering them in the Weather backdrops folder.
Note: This works easily with XP....not so sure now with Vista!