I think i posted something regarding people joining Winmodify in the past but i guess i need to make it more clearer for you guys.
Winmodify is a site with the potential to grow and become a great big community like Wincustomize. It has skins, it even has a section called XP tweaks where you can tweak windows XP in many ways but thats basicly it. Not a lot of people are there and because of that, barely anybody comments on skins, and comment on news-posts. There's a shout-out at the bottom right corner of the site where there's only 1-5 shout-outs being made a month. There's only 74 registered users on the forum!! Now that has to change.
Without the people, the site will go nowhere and will eventually go down. Why should the admin, AdminWM, waste his time and money making the site look better if no one's even going to help support it. People is what makes any site grow and prosper. Just look at deviantART, they have more than 50 million people online everyday!! Without all those people, that site would be gone. Wincustomize also wouldn't have gone this far without the help of the people.
So please join the community, tell people about Winmodify, help make the site grow just like this one.