I feel everyone here is doing their darndest to alienate people.
Opinions are like arseholes....everyone has one.
I think there are pretty ordinary skins on our site too....[namely mine].
Open source [creative commons] and GNU was a very big part of the origins of skinning, though primarily with the 'skinnables', not so much the skins. There would have been no alternate shell movement without 'GNU' - think Litestep.
People who have been around a while might remember what was called 'Community Skins'. They were essentially what is now referred to as 'creative commons', probably before that was even a 'thing'.
Any of those would essentially qualify as 'for public use/abuse' provided their original rules re credit were followed.
Much of the 'creative commons' ideology is an insidious attempt to undermine actual 'copyright' which DOES AND ALWAYS SHOULD apply to created works by an individual [or group].
Back to specifics....you all should heed Zubaz's comments....more on the button than most...