If you aim at nothing, you are sure to hit it. But if you at least try . . something might happen, right?
I live in a suburb of Detroit; a city that needs help. There are good people trying to do their best and still having trouble.
And it's a city filled with children that have few choices and limited futures.
The YMCA in Detroit has been building schools for the past two years. Schools that are safe and that have teachers who are trying to build leaders where there has been little hope.
Last year, my wife, kids and I worked at one of the schools before it opened. We built gardens and outdoor learning centers and a playground.

[installing a slide]
We are doing it again this year at a new school but are also looking for funding to offset the cost.
So I'm humbly asking for members of this community to check out the site. See if it's something that you want to get behind. If it is, click the green donate button on the right and give what you think is right for you. If you are in the Metro-Detroit area, come by and hep us do the build.
If you can't give right now can you ask your social network if they might give. That would be awesome.
I hate asking friends, aquaintences, and strangers for support. It just feels . . .wrong.
But I say to myself, that it would be more wrong not to ask. It wouldn't be fair to the kids to say that I did everything I could to help them when I didn't.
So . . thanks.
