It was one whale of a stormy day here on the coast of Oregon (USA) and I decided I'd go south along the coast to see if I could get any wave shots. I'd gotten about as far south as I was going to have daylight for and only had high winds and frazzled waves to shoot so I hadn't taken much. Stopping at a tourist/rest area place I was looking at the churning surf and something caught my eyes as it came zipping around a rock as it came from the harbor. After swearing at the fellow for having a sail the same color as the surf I started shooting. The rain was blowing (40mph) directly from the surfer so I had to step out of the car, multi shoot, then go back in to clean the water off. Camera 'jammas were not going to do any good in that weather. The one shot I got of the many flips he did was not in focus so I reluctantly had to delete it, but I got some good shots of him tacking back and forth. Below is one shot that caught my eye as I looked through those I kept.
Here on the Oregon coast we do have sighting and even attacks of Great White sharks - usually surfers or sailboarders. So you can understand where I get my odd ideas.

The object that caught my eye is a float that they tie to a crab trap so they can find it again. Isn't it?