So with Impulse over to Gamestop and the digital distribution competition no longer something we’re participating in we’ve developed a new digital updating client – Stardock Central (what’s old is new again).
But unlike the old “big” client, the new one is very…very simple.

(sorry for the lame screenshot, I’m caught up on my games on this new machine and haven’t installed any apps yet).
Your Stardock purchases will show up here once you login. Just pick what you want to install (or update) and press a button and it’ll use our massively fast CDN to install it (we have a long-term agreement with our CDN except now the only thing using its bandwidth is our stuff so the download speeds are kind of ridiculous – it’s like being the only guy on a 1 gigabyte line).

The new settings includes an option to have it simply update your software automatically. So you can either choose to stick with older versions or always have it up to date.
OK, let’s say you don’t like to have to install a client at all. That’s fine too. You can update your software and games via the web as well:

Pick whether it’s software or games and it’ll look at your account, when you last updated, and off you go. The installer will figure out what you need to install (i.e. if you have multiple machines with different versions) and off you go.
It’s designed to be as streamlined as possible.