Quoting vwaldbrunn, reply 4
Quoting Starcandy,
reply 2
I seem to remember there being a recent thread about Thunderbird having issues with Windowblinds, not sure if this was it but maybe it will help https://forums.stardock.com/410282
Thanks for the tip, Starcandy, now I can scroll again. In this way I also improved the compatibility with DAZ Studio 3 and Vue 8. I just wonder why this is buried in the depths of the forum and is not inserted into the program.
It is inserted into the program. It was in the very next beta build of WB released after that post.
What problems were you having with Vue 8 and DAZ Studio 3?
Hi Neil,
Right. The latest beta version remedied my problems with Thunderbird, but there were other problems as you know. Therefore, I have installed the latest release version again, and the aforementioned patch (This morning I read about a new beta-version on Friday, but have not seen it yet).
In DAZ Studio I could not scroll through a selection box. In VUE there were strips in the margins (and still are), and in some menus you could not read the script. Right now everything is more or less okay (one part of Thunderbird is transparent, it does not interfere much, but looks funny).