Good stuff (would be better if I had a wide-screen display) - a few bugs I've noticed (Windows XP):
- extreme flickering but only if the "Pin on top" option is turned off
- with "Pin on top" turned on it overwrites its own menus (and anyone elses menus that stray into that area)
- when "Put on left" some windows get confused about their location - the size if correct but it they seem to think that Tiles is on the right so the position is wrong (sorry, I can't be specific about which apps - it seems to be random, the same app will get it right once but wrong the next time)
- Shortcuts seem to be very flaky - dragging and dropping from the start menu just doesn't work but even if I create a desktop icon and then drag that it creates shortcut on Tiles but it doesn't work. The only types of shortcuts I have got working are if I drag an actual application executable, or document, or folder (from an Explorer) onto Tiles, or drag a web address onto Tiles.
Some ideas, thoughts and questions:
- I think someone said this already about filtering out applications you don't want but I don't know if it was said this way: If you add a filter to put a specific application on a specific page then it should come out of other pages (or this should be an option), currently everything always shows up in the "Apps" page.
- Can we be allowed to rename all of the pages, including "apps", "my tiles" and "web" pages?
- I can't put my finger on exactly what it is but the configuration menu grouping and ordering just doesn't feel right (I have to hunt around to find related options. Example "show tab in auto-hide mode" is in "Appearance" and "Auto hide" is in "Size and location"
- Once a shortcut is in place it should be possible to edit it not just open it and remove it. Even if its just to change its name.
- Erm, can someone tell me what the "Add colour tint to previews" is for? Apart from making some of the preview look a bit sickly - what do the colours mean?
- How about pages automatcally cycling (with a delay) if you move the mouse to the far edge of the screen (right when Tiles is on the right, left when its on the left).
- How about being able to drag the exposed edge out and in to show additional pages (so the bar grows and shrinks by a page at a time)
- I might not like this when I see it in action but could the snap on dragging left/right for pages be optionally turned off so it drags continuously.
Hope the above doesn't sound too negative - it's meant to be constructive - it's looking great so far.
Finally - have I missed a post somewhere where you shout about the "Tiles Skin Editor" that gets sneakily added to the Object Desktop menu.