Well peoples seems this is a problem. I've never in many years now noticed a screen burn here. Guess maybe I'm missing something.
Anyway here is a bit of news for you all. Vista SP2 has gone to auto update. Well I tested it during release stage and had very few problems. Thus here lately I just reinstalled my Vista Ultimate and so forth to take my mind off of everything that was going on here. [Wife was in the hospital again and Win 7 was giving me some probs.] Thus after installing SP2 I had to go to MS support because my sound driver control panel screen was crashing. Sure I had sound but no settings. Well after allowing this tech to take control of my pc. We found that installing the driver again as administrator for all users and as admin. did the trick. [ oh new driver did not even work! used original...]
My problem with win7 was simular. There where drivers for my PDA and bluetooth phone; that worked ok at first. Then later on seemed to stop working. I was having to reconnect and reinstall the drivers from one day to the next. Thus that with the wife being ill caused me to actually say "to hell with this stuff" and reinstall my Vista. Oh ya and I really did not like WB7 that much being a beta and all. But that is a beta on a RC OS; so I'm at the point of saying NO to anything for testing. I've about had it for now. [ except for those new drivers I sent ya there NT; they do improve performance in games and/or such ]
Now the wife is back home and doing a bit better. But I figure to take things a bit slower now. So far it has takien me 5 days now to reinstall my Vista Ultimate system. [ doing it a little bit at a time to get things done exactly the way I want it without missing anything ] Thus I'm still reinstalling stuff... yet to do my phone or bluetooth yet. But got my PDA going much better than before even here with Vista. To say the least for Win7 and it's problems.
Anyway if I can be of any help with this at all. Drop me a line and I'll see what else we can find. Oh ya - I did notice this and I do not think most people want to listen to it. If you buy one of them OEM systems... then you find it has a power settings from the factory. Leave it alone! Those OEM geeks do this stuff for many reasons. I bought a Dell Hybrid for the wife to use in the livingroom [ along with her father when he comes over ] and it is hooked up to a HD widescreen tv via HDMI. It works great leaving the power settings as the factory has it. [Plus I got a goodbackup] But if you change the settings for that thing it acts funny with the TV screen as such. Otherwise it will go to sleep and then actually turn itself off completely if not used for like 12 hrs or so. Really works nice with the HD and being wide screen looks nice as ever with Vista.
Anyway best all in all for finding your problem. OH and NT to save your love life - go buy you a new monitor and leave hers alone!