Frogboy: I admire and respect you as CEO of Stardock, for what you have made of it; however, I do have a problem with your political views... or should I say, your interpretation of mine....
Then don't bitch when people are skeptical or unhappy about Obama being elected. Sheesh. You sit there oblivious to how partisan you really are.
Again, what I've said has been misinterpreted! My entire point is about the entire US Nation putting party politics aside and getting on with rebuilding the country... the broken economy. Sure there are people who are unhappy about Obama being elected, but it's a fact and they need to get past that and unite with the nation and get behind the President Elect to begin that rebuilding process, regardless of Party affiliations/allegiances
I *liked* Bush. I'm a pretty intelligent guy I think.
You no doubt are an intelligent guy and I have no problem with your liking Bush, for whatever reason. You are entitled to your views as I am to mine. However, and I've made it no secret, I do not like Bush, not for the fact that he often appears vague, vacant and struggling for coherent thought, but for the litany of political cock-ups; goofs; gaffs; blunders and downright illegal activities... the invasion of Iraq based on a pack of lies, for example. Having said that, however, I might find that George Bush is an interesting and decent human being when engaged in 'casual' conversation... meaning, I would not tell him to fuck off if he approached to speak with me.
To further demonstrate my non-partisan point: if (Democrat) Barack Obama ordered the invasion of Iran, based on a pack of lies and without the blessing of the UN/international community, I would dislike him in the same way I dislike (Republican) George Bush, because I am non-violent and a pacifist.... and while it is one thing to defend YOUR country... it's another entirely to attack/invade another.
You just don't AGREE with his political positions or executive decisions
And with good reason, as stated above.
But don't sit here and whine that those who disagree with your views also have problems with Obama's STATED political intentions.
OK, let's see if we can differentiate between whining at those who distrust Obama (in some cases, very sore losers), and suggesting that the election is over, the time for Party politics is over, and the entire nation needs to support its President Elect if it is to get out of the shit, because divisiveness just won't cut it as any kind of solution to anything. If John McCain had won instead, the same principle would apply... he would need the nation's support to be truly effective.
Do I think Barack Obama will make a good President? Yes! I believe he has the ability, strength of character and spine to do the job... not because he is a Democrat, but by virtue of what I have observed in the man. Will he be the perfect President? Most likely not! He is human, and to be human is to err. However, I will not put the cart before the horse and pre-judge Obama's ability/potential to make mistakes as President. He hasn't assumed office as yet to make any mistakes, thus it is premature to criticise, judge or condemn the man....
Which brings me back to my original point: the election is over, you have a new President and Vice President, so make the best of it, forget the Party politics, and support putting the country back on track under the new regime.
In other words, swallow or spit out the sour grapes and get back to working as a united nation, not a Party divided one