Nice try but we already know about the whole ED thing.........
Thanks for reminding me NT..NOT! However, I'll have you know that Ellubiant Diatribe is not that serious and can be cured with a good dose of Epsom Salts before meals.
Hypnosis was another method they tried, but someting went wrong and for 6 months I thought I was a chicken. Eventually the missus took me back and explained the situation to the therapist, who asked her how long this had been going on. When she said that it was around 6 months the therapist asked her why it had taken so long to take me back...
"Well," she said: "I would've but we needed the eggs."
Yeah, I know... start taking the Epsom Salts
Oh, and did you see that the Republican Party suggested that Sarh Palin be blessed by the church against witchcraft? Apparently John McCain was concerned that she may get pissed at Obama's 'lipstick on a pig' comment and didn't want to be seen as taking an unfair advantage in the lead up to the elections by having Ms Palin cast a spell that turned Obama into a frog.
Pundits, however, are betting that she won't last long and won't be able to help herself from dusting off her broomstick before polling day to mezmerise a few Democrats, particularly Obama and his supporters. When Obama was questioned by the press regarding being turned into a frog, he replied: "It wouldn't make any difference, against her I could still win the election anyway."