You missing the point guys .
As I said I LOVE online distribution , it's quick it's easy it... many good things

However the problem is (at least as I can see it) that it causes users unwillingly to gave up their rights, rights they have when they used to buy hard copy.
May be even this is OK as long as user KNOWS what he doing. But usually he does not. And thats a big issue here.
It's a same thing like with electronic books - legally you could sell your hardcopy but you can't sell your PDF etc.
I am bothered with the fact that we waive our rights without noticing.
Philly0381You right and wrong I do have problems with protections as Starforce not with principal.
And the price is not a point , the point is that if you waive something you at least should get something in return.
JafoYour example is not good for SDC/Impulse scheme since you still require to activate the game first time here.
Also what happens if (God forbid

) StarDock closes ? retail hardcopy (or you burned to CD/DVD) software will continue to install , software I bought here will not work without activation on new computer, for example after reinstalling windows.