so tell me why you'd go to such a site to get 'info'?
The first rule of a journalist is to be unbiased. Examining both sides of the story and then making it is an important task of a journalist, which sadly, alot today have forgotten.
Even then, what kind of site is this?
I read this pile of crap and all it does is bash Microsoft. I wouldn't care (About them bashing Microsoft) if it was coherant in it, and had a real point, but the site comes off as a screaming child, or rather the Enquirer jr., with all this biased garbage.
So excuse me, but is this honestly all the Vista haters have? They must get their info from biased sites?
And then you say your in the IT field, and yet you get your information in the stupidest methods possible!
If you guys really are in the IT field, then all this dis-information is a disgrace to the IT field. An IT user must be unbiased in everything they do for god sakes!
What, are you next gonna tell me if your boss wants you to add Vista your gonna act like this?
We may as well still have racism, because blind biasedness is pretty much as bad. Just like people from the past, your hating things without giving it a chance. Yes, I did just go there, because for people to do their job, and then come home and act like morons, is a disgrace.
I honestly don't care about Microsoft, but if your going to give critism to something, DO IT CORRECTLY AND STOP ACTING LIKE CHILDREN. This attitude people have had since Vista has come out has been annoying as hell to say the least.
Mention real problems about Microsoft. Give unbiased sites.