gee Starkers.... if the divorce has been finalised.... and she shows she's paid him out...which no doubt she has proof of.... and she holds the deeds to the property totally in her name.... it's really hard to understand how that couldn't be rock solid....and if it isn't... well... there should be a lot of nervous home owners out there....
Yeah, everything was finalised and he was paid out on all he was entitled to. However, this woman is using the kids, family law, child support laws and tax laws. The trouble is, she's not using them as they were intended, but rather by using obscure and ambiguous clauses that were supposedly written for specific cases involving the wealthy... which my niece is not, though the pencil pushers seem not to care about her financial status... that she currently lives below the poverty line, no thanks to government intervention in what should be private family matters. Let's put it this way, there's 2 children involved, but due to this woman's manipulation of things, the child support only goes one way... from my niece to them cos the kid don't see it.
And to make matters worse, the child support is calculated on last years income, which was 3 times more due to a forced [health related] change of employment.... meaning she has to pay 3 times more than her current income allows... and on top of that this spiteful woman is looking at ways to include into the child support equation the daughter's Austudy, my niece's new partner's income.... and rental income. Sure we pay rent, but it's only covering actual costs, nothing more, and the house is 'negatively geared'... meaning any income derived [not that there is in this case] is non-taxable. However, this spiteful woman has spent hours upon hours bashing the law books to find ways to circumvent laws that are supposed to protect people like my niece.
Like I said before, it is spite driven [resentment that my niece was there first] and it will all unravel in her face. She's not the only one who can pore over the law books, and I found some stuff that should reverse the situation... karma, if you like.
I'll say... now there's a vacant mind if ever I saw one, and he's an MP in charge of shit in this country. How terribly sad!
and now.... this...
gee....someone figured out that our grocery bills weren't high enough.... lets slug 'em a bit more.... really.... it's getting so depressing...
Yeah, this government has to go.... not that I'd give the job to that Abbott idiot.... born with two brains... one's lost and the other's out looking for it. So no, shopping would NOT get any better under that clown.
had my brother stay over here from Seattle for 4 months earlier on in the year.... I swear he was about to go into cardiac arrest everytime I went through the supermarket checkout... he'd then compare prices over there.... lordy we get ripped off over here.... on everything.... no wonder people turning to online o/s shopping...
Yeah, my mother recently returned from England to live and reacted exactly the same way... that food prices here have steeply risen since she left and are daylight robbery, with other stuff even worse. She bought a memory foam pillow to replace the one she couldn't bring with her. Exact same brand/quality... here $79.95... in the UK, 9 pound 75p. However, she did say that some of our electricals are a little cheaper [TV's Hi-Fi's, etc]
Still, that's not enough... not when you consider how much more we pay for most everything else. And computer parts... let's just say I'm glad that I upraded when the Aus dollar was flying high against the greenback. I've noticed components are already starting to rise in price as the AUD weakens against the USD. Shouldn't make any difference when it all comes from Asia, and we're dealing in those currencies, but still we pay according to what's going on with in relation greenback... sucks big time.