when you open the new Wincustomize Home page you find most of the space occupied by the "Latest news" and "Recent forum posts"
there are 6 featured\master skins at the right and only 5 NEW skins at the top
as other option you can have the 5 Most popular skins (referring to all the galleries during the last 30 days!)
I remember that in the old site the Most popular \30 days section was in the "Galleries page" with still a good visibility (second only to the Home page)
in the Home page there were the new skins and especially the "Today's favorites" (the first most downloaded skin in all galleries
there was also a rotation as the same skin was ignored after some days to give visibility to others !)
now from a skinner point of view I'm completely missing the "today's favorites" section
as there are no chances for a new skin to close the gap between the zero downloads starting point and the thousands downloads number
of the old skins uploaded before the site changes.
Just remember from the statistics that most of the visitors are not reaching the forums ( only 5.7% of the site traffic data ) the same for the single galleries.
Most of all the site is losing contacts probably because the visitors cannot find new motivations to come back
as it seems to me that the new site was built for the skinners usability but not for the skins visibility !
In the end caring about the new site and the new skins I do aspect some proposal and \or solution !