BTW....references to fighting Nazis, etc.....that was to do things like, you know....put an end to the dominance...genocide..... not the 'rights' of some brat to freely steal from others.
Indeed. Bravo! .
Loose similes and metaphors cannot justify piracy. Overblown hype cannot either. If you take something w/o permission, that is theft. End of story.
How harshly it should be dealt with is a matter of law, and that can be changed one way or another (more harshly or less so) BUT, it must be punished or the entire concept of value and property are negated. If that happens, creativity and progress will soon travel the path of the extinction. The 'noble experiment' that was Communism failed for the same reason.
Stop arguing just for the sake of arguing. Jafo is 100% correct in all this.
I have to say I disagree, even though I agree with a lot of what you and the person above you say "In Theory". Stealing is Wrong, yes, that's not under debate.
The fact of the matter is though, there is Only One Kind of "Pirate" that costs anyone any money. The one's who copy movies or games on-line and then repackage them to look like the Real Thing and Sell Them. Those are the ONLY PIRATES costing anyone anything. By selling a "Fake" movie or game they are stealing money that by rights should belong to the creators.
"Joe Blow" who watches a movie on a Chinese web-site that disregards US copyright law isn't costing anyone anything. If anything he's costing him/her self the experience of seeing a Quality movie or show or whatever because they are watching some Crappy Cam of a movie or show on the Internet. Even I watched Iron-Man 2 almost 2 weeks before it hit theaters here in the US. That didn't stop me from going to see it TWICE in theaters and PAYING FOR IT two times, just because I thought the movie was that bad-ass.
Should I be thrown in prison because I watched a crappy, dimly lit, very blurry copy of Iron-Man 2 on-line two weeks before it came out in theaters here? I didn't download it. Didn't make a copy. Didn't pass it around to any of my friends, and I DAMN SURE didn't copy it and try to sell it.
There's a big difference in a guy who watches something on-line or downloads a game and plays it for a few days then deletes it, and the True Scum Ball who's making copies and then making labels and packaging and selling them. One of those two examples needs to be doing some hard core Federal Time. The other one needs a slap on the wrist and to be told to get about his/her own business. Can you guess which one should be punished which way?
Either way it's all going to end up with corporations and world governments controlling, censoring, and monitoring the Internet. It's already started happening. The Internet is the only Real Freedom a lot of people have left and they don't even realize even that's being taken away from them right before their own eyes. You people do realize the governments of the world control and censor the flow of information in and out of your respective countries right? It even happens right here in the USA. Want proof? I can name off more then one foreign web-site that will clearly show American Soldiers gunning down Innocent Civilians in the middle east. You won't see that shit on CNN or World News Tonight though.....gee I wonder why? Maybe for the same reason that they unload the bodies of dead soldiers in the middle of the night and on air bases where the public can't stand there and actually count the Real Number of our soldiers who aren't fortunate enough to make it back home.
They'll throw up All Kinds of Excuses for things though. Like they unload the bodies of the fallen soldiers at night to provide some privacy and respect for the families of the dead.....WTF? If one of my family members died in a war that I my-self didn't support I'd Damn Sure want the WORLD to know about it. Not for his body to get off loaded at some middle-of-nowhere train station under the cover of darkness like they were some kind of criminal. The American Government has been using this practice since Vietnam, maybe even before, so they could hide the actual number of the returning dead from the public. I'm not trying to sound like a conspiracy nut, but, in reality, Big Brother controls almost everything and now he's gaining a even Bigger Foothold on the Internet too. All in the name of stopping so called "Criminals".
It's not worth it. It's not worth the price it will cost us as a society in the long run. We'll loose ALL our on-line freedoms just as we lost our Real Freedoms in the Real World and No-One will lift a finger to stop it because it will be under the SMOKE SCREEN of "Doing the right thing". Give me a F'Kin break.
The REAL NUMBER of ACTUAL COPY SELLING PIRATES is practically insignificant and isn't anywhere near what companies claim they loose in revenue. <----- Frogboy can attest to this and I'm pretty sure he Out-Ranks Jafo