ET doesn't come here because:
* mankind's intellect is inferior and he can't laugh at any of our jokes.
* we have swine flu
* our women have only 2 breasts... and a third is important to him
* we have bankers
* our fuel prices are too high and he mightn't be able to afford to get home.
* he'd like to invest in our planet but doesn't trust our stockmarkets.
* he's worried that he'd end up as a medical experiment... and mating with the native women wouldn't be a part of it.
* that the experimenters wouldn't use lubricant during the anal probes.
* GM, Ford & Chrysler are going broke and he may not be able to get spare parts if needed.
* we have bankers.... and hiding his money in his sock is uncomfortable, it makes him limp.
Seriously, images of space, both far and near have always fascinated me... there are far too many extraordinary landscapes and textures not to be totally gobsmacked at their existence/creation.
As for ET's, well yeah, I DO believe in their existence. We may not have conclusive proof that they're living among us, serving as presidents, politicians or CEO's of large corporations, but nor do we have conclusive proof they do not exist. To me, it is extremely arrogant of mankind, supposedly the supreme beings in all creation, to think we are the only intelligent life in the entire universe.
ET IS out there somewhere, and he may well have visited our lowly planet, but there are those who deem we are not ready to digest that information, and thus have covered it up... so-say to protect us from ourselves/mass panic, etc. Yup, that Orson Welles has a lot to answer for... had he not broadcast 'War of the Worlds' and put the fear of Christ up everyone, governments wouldn't have created places like Area 51 to hide shit they don't want us to see.
Another reason I believe in ET's: I awoke one morning to find 3 distinct depressions in triangular formation on my lawn, with a burned area of grass in the centre. The Defence Dep't wrote it off as BBQ accident and went away... but I don't got one of those kettle-type BBQ's on a tripod stand.

BTW, Uvah.... great link and thank you.