marcdw has been mentioned before....the single updating resource/installer namely 'Impulse' is actually preferred by the majority of users.
It only 'appears' overkill when someone is dealing with a single application/product install, but generally most people have more than one...or in future are likely to do so....and then the logic behind it is self-evident.....
The fact that it is preferred by most users is not relevant to the OP, guys.
Here's how it looks from another (my) perspective: I have purchased Object Desktop every year for many years. I don't personally create skins/applications with the OD tools. I don't use any Stardock games, either.
I would like to be able to renew my Object Desktop subscription THE SAME WAY I HAVE DONE FOR YEARS AND YEARS.
You may look at Impulse as progress, and you would be right. But this isn't a case of needing to remove the old method in order to make room for the new. The requirement to install Impulse in order to renew OD seems capricious and arbitrary to me. I presume that it is driven by some concern over copy protection, but I don't see that addressed in these forums, so I may be wrong.
FWIW, I do not have Steam or any of its attendant programs on any of my systems either. I bridle at the notion of needing to be connected, or needing to check in from time to time, in order to be able to use the software I've purchased. (I know that outlook may be outdated; they may have improved their product, but as far as I am concerned they have screwed the pooch.)
Like the OP, I would like to be able to purchase the product and install it. Being told that I have to register for, download and install something else in order to do that isn't too hard to do - it just (at least, for me) shouldn't be necessary.
This isn't a rant; I don't expect satisfaction. I would like an explanation of the rationale behind removing the traditional method of purchasing. Again, I only ask because it's *not* and either/or. Stardock Central worked fine, and could continue to be used without changing it (that is, without spending time/money on support of SDC itself). I havenothing against Impulse, I simply am not interested in it.
Dave Kelsen
Beware of he who denies you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.