I would not want to do anything else..I actually have fun at work..It's dangerous and a "Rough Sport".. but it also gives me a real sense of accomplishment when the day is done..
Also..Driving down the freeways I can point to what I have done years after my work is completed.
I am a carpenter and building homes/schools/malls ..etc..etc.. is, in my opinion..awesome!
Of course you cant get rich in my trade, it's mostly "Feast or Phamon" never seems to be a happy medium..
Although, working outdoors, and never in the same location for long,and leaving "Something" usually where there had been "Nothing" is pretty satisfying.
The flip side of that coin is simply..there is too much building!..all of our hills, valleys and land seems to be sprouting homes..when will it end!..::laughs and sighs:: that is my only delema with the trade..it is sad to see entire valleys taken over by neighborhoods...but then, it is what I do for a living...