OK, I want to address this....
A submission to the WinCustomize galleries and our approval of any particular item does not mean it's endorsed by anyone at Stardock or WinCustomize. WC is a place where people submit their work and as long as it abides by our rules (which can be found here), then the upload will be placed on the site.
We take no sides in regards to politics. Someone posting a submission of a President, public figure, etc. is not "propaganda" in the slightest bit. If you don't like the submission, simply don't download it and use it.
In regards to this specific .dream, I'm rejecting it for a reason other than the content. If that reason is fixed when we will once again consider it for the galleries.
If you have an issue you can feel free to PM it to me as I'm keeping this thread closed as political discussions are not permitted on the forums here.