At least I didn't go into the eating side of it....
Reminds me of an old rhyme I knew as a kid.....
Everybody's doin it, doin it, doin it,
Pickin their nose and chewin it, chewin it....
Yup, I remember that one.... among others:
Rule Britannia 3 monkeys up a stick
One fell down and paralysed his.....
Dick was a bulldog sitting on the grass
Along came a bumblebee and stung him on the...
Ask no questions tell no lies
Ever see a Chinaman doing up his.....
Flies are a nuisance wasps are worse....
This is the end of my silly little verse.
I knew dozens of 'em as a kid.
Another I copped a whack for was when I changed the words to a song:
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer too
Would you let me if I gave you a buck or Two
(don't remember the middle bits now, but it ended something like this...)
So ring the bell a peddle like hell on a bicycle made for two.
The whack? Dad took offence cos his mother was named Daisy [not that I knew at the time] and he thought I was being disrespectful.
Ah, the things you remember when reading these 'ere forums