Who gets 9000 downloads a day on a windowblind skin? Thats insanity, right?
well, why not actually. back in the days when skinning was popular those numbers weren't that uncommon. at least for the first weeks.
Why should I bother to continue to upload when none of the downloads even seem real?
if it really bothers you that much, the download counts at Custo or Deviantart seem to work. or you could distribute your skins through a cloud service like Google Drive or a file-hosting site like Mediafire. i have not really looked into this, but i am sure some of them offer a download count as well.
but really, download counts do not mean that much. people download skins, because they like the wallpaper. people download skins because they think something looks cool, but do not even know there is a third party app required to use it. some people are hoarders and download just any skin without even considering using it. most people (and this is true for almost any skin) run a skin once, don't quite like it, and never use it again.
in my opinion a better measure for popularity is if you see screenshots of your skins popping up outside of Wincustomize on Twitter, Tumblr or Facebook.
When is this problem going to be fixed?
Its no fun anymore when nothing is working. C'mon guys, surely you can FIX this?
i doubt this to be honest. the only real solution would be to build a new site from scratch. i wouldn't count on the site being that important for Stardock though. after all it serves it's purpose for the regular customer. and of the tiny fraction that notices all the bugs most do not really care and happily pay their subsciption.
If you´re not a skinner & you just want to bitch about me & my obsession with downloads ...
not sure why this would matter, but i upload my skins to Custo.