It's almost 6am now and I have been up all night trying to fix this problem and Xiandi was kind enough to have me send her the .wba file to come up with a solution.
She provided me with steps that took a few hours to complete so this is my first chance to post that the fix didn't work and I'm still getting the wrong preview images in WindowBlinds for all the skins I've posted.
Xiandi has been kind enough to help me for months now by going over my designs and sending the corrections needed.
I can't begin to tell everyone how much I've learned from her.
Please know that when I post with a problem I will always come back and describe how the problem was fixed.
I'm still only a few months into making skins and spend most of my hours re-learning my Photoshop skills that I had to give up on back in the 90's and the rest of the time has been spent learning Skin Studio so I haven't had much time to post in the forums or make new friends here. The only other person I've had contact with is RedneckDude as he helped me create the DX object that I posted.
Creating skins and DEX objects are my new hobby andf since I'm deisabled and have all the hours in a day to work, That's what I've chosen to do. I come from a 3D animation background back in the 90's and worked as a video game character animator before being put on medications that stopped my whole career right away. It's only been a few months since they came out with a new med that allowed me to pick up programs again and start re-learning the skills I used to have.
Sorry to be so long winded, When I find a fix for this problem it will be posted and yes, I do have a support ticket in with Stardock about this problem and am waiting for a reply.
You all will be hearing a lot more from me as i have time to be social after I learn these programs. I'm even looking into how to post fixes in the Wiki.