Not that I missed it Frankell, I just wasn't here at the time. I was busy chasin' robbers or at least one anyway but...I did dl the Darskin.
No problem I know very well what happened ! btw I really missed your "karma" for your laptop recovering (you know my karmas count is still less than 100 !)
So should i go with Winstep?
Wincustomize is hosting the NexusDocks Gallery, JcRabbit is the NexusDock very active developer and also a loyal WC member
but quoting myself "when we talk about Docklets, Skinners and the WincustomizeCommunity, only ObjectDock is always the Winner !"
If you want a great, solid performing dock system you can do no better than Winstep.
falcon was asking for the Stacks docklet and Nexus Dock doesn't support Stacks + the ObjectDock Tray docklet (working with the Free and Plus versions) has the full features you can have only with the Nexus paid version