Ok, I just can't help adding things to this. There was a copied and pasted part of a paragraph. Here is the whole thing
"Wardell said he’s considering launching mobile and web software-development shops and studios to keep up with hot-selling gadgets such as Apple’s iPad and iPhone and Motorola’s Droid smart phone, but would want to keep that work separate from the software and games Stardock currently produces"
The first half of the above was left out. So reading it also says "shifted away from the desktop enhancements and into practical software, such as Multiplicity."
So this tells me exactly what it says. Using Multiplicity as the software in the statement and what is going to be kept separate is this type of software and the new plans with iPad and stuff. "shifted away from the desktop enhancements" tells me nothing is being done with desktop enhancements, WB, OD, and the rest of it. When I first came on board here there were updates every other week with something. So looking at the last update we had what does that say? Doesn't take a blind person to figure out where the thoughts are going.
So that is some of my thinking and I can tell you it isn't all wrong. The word "emphasis" does sure look like the word that may be missing but even that is a guess.
I really disagree, Karen and I think you'll be very pleasantly surprised...
If the statement above is true and you know something we don't please share it in fact. If there is no fact then it's just wishful thinking.
There really is a simple solution to this. There was never anything held back from the members till the last year. Everything was brought to our attention as to what was being updated, etc. So why doesn't someone with real information like Brad just write a thread and let us know if anything is really going to be updated or new with the desktop programs. We have programs and can use them to continue. Could they be better, sure but will they? I don't know and either does anyone else so lets hear real facts not, oh wait till you see what is coming soon. The last time we heard we were going to have a replacement "very sopon" was when we all found out Impulse was sold. Maybe also my thinking of when very soon should be is very different than others.
Last if I was told there were not going to anymore updates to the software I would be fine and just work with what is available. doesn't change the fact people are getting up set and there is nothing but guessing going on.